Lists are Donorfy's way of producing a query, enabling you to find answers to your questions about transactions, create mailing lists, find out how fundraising pages are performing, or which organisations fulfil the criteria for an opportunity ask, create campaign segments and more....
Lists Overview
The Lists feature is a powerful query and reporting tool which provides a way to view the information about Constituents and financials within your database. Lists are more than just a reporting tool, they can be used to provide the basis for prom...
List Types
The Lists within Donorfy cover the following areas: Constituent data Financial data Timeline data Other Members List Soft Credit List Membership List Custom List Views - these are only available for Professional Own Azure acc...
List Tags - Categorising and Organising your Lists
Lists can be categorised and organised easily by using List Tags which makes locating your List(s) within lots of other Lists a doddle. Some ideas for List Tags are: Staff names - so Lists created by a specific user can be retrieved Trustee - Li...
Downloading a List
All Lists in Donorfy can be quickly and easily downloaded so that you can either create a mailing, use in a report, undertake further analysis, etc... Expand the Results section of your List Click the little cloud with the arrow inside it (left) ...
Creating a Report from a List
A list can be downloaded as a PDF report, so that you can quickly and easily provide colleagues with up-to-date details at a meeting, email the CEO or your manager current financial information without manipulating a downloaded List within Excel, ...
Visualising your data - charts, etc within your Lists
Using lists on Donorfy, you can view and analyse your data in two different ways: Data tab - view your data as a list, as described here in Lists Overview Visualisation tab - create a visual representation of your data Getting started Within ...
Archiving All Constituents on a List
If you would like to mass archive constituents, then this can be done via a Constituent List. Firstly, to be able to use this function, you will need either to be an Administrator or a Standard User with the 'Can archive constituents from list' p...
Constituent Giving Stats available within Lists
Constituent Lists and Campaign Lists contain a number of fields relating to the financial contributions that have been made. When you create a List you'll want to know what the various fields mean so that can (a) use the ones you want to filter yo...
Lists - FAQs
Have a question about Lists that you can't find the answer for? Well, it me be in here... Why have my List columns all changed in the newer version of Lists With the new version of Lists we've done some work under the hood to improve the way our...
Error message - Error retrieving data:SyntaxErrod: Enexpected token < in JSON at position 0
You've created your List and tweaked it to be just how you want filters wise and the correct data view columns, clicked that preview button and the following appears in a grey pop out box: Error retrieving data:SyntaxErrod: Enexpected token < i...