Gift Aid - Constituents
Adding a Gift Aid Declaration
Donorfy allows you to record a Gift Aid Declaration on a constituent's Timeline and for a document to be attached. To add a new Gift Aid Declaration to a constituent's Timeline follow the steps below: Add a Gift Aid Declaration from the main Ad...
Adding Gift Aid Declarations that require confirmation
If a constituent makes a Gift Aid Declaration that you need to confirm - e.g. when making a donation by phone - when you add the Gift Aid Declaration make sure you set Confirmation Required to Yes - see the example below If you need to set up a n...
Preventing a transaction from appearing in a Gift Aid claim
To stop a transaction from appearing in a gift aid claim Find the transaction on the constituents timeline and open it Open the details of the allocation - by pressing the down arrow highlighted in green below, then change potentially gift aid-ab...
Confirming Gift Aid Declarations
If a constituent makes a verbal Gift Aid declaration (GAD) - e.g. when making a donation by phone - you need to provide them with a written confirmation of their declaration. This is how you do that: In Donorfy go to Financial | Gift Aid and sele...
Cancelling a Gift Aid Declaration
In the event of a supporter requesting the cancellation of a Gift Aid Declaration(s), open their Gift Aid Declaration (GAD) on their Timeline and insert a Cancelled Date. Once the changes are saved, no future donations from the cancellation date w...
Can I reassign a Gift Aid Declaration?
There isn't a reassign feature for Gift Aid Declaration. You would first need to Reverse any Gift Aid claimed on the incorrect Constituent's donations and ensure this is repaid prior to completing the next part. To Reverse a Gift Aid donation, p...
Gift Aid Refused
If a constituent tells you they are unwilling or unable to make a Gift Aid declaration you should find their record, on their Profile tab at the bottom of the Name section there is a switch 'Gift Aid Refused' - set this to Yes. This is to enable y...
Claiming Gift Aid when you only have a BFPO Address for a constituent
When adding BFPO addresses, HMRC require you to use the full 'traditional' postcode format to ensure gift aid can be claimed on donations received from the constituent. Enter the BFPO address in the address field, putting the BFPO number in the ...