• Forms Overview

    Donorfy Forms is a flexible and powerful feature enabling you to create a variety of web-based forms that insert data directly into your Donorfy. Forms are hosted by Donorfy and don't require any website programming knowledge to create!  Once your...

  • Example - a Gift Aid opt-in campaign

    You could be missing out on a lot of income if donors have not made Gift Aid Declarations. Here's how you can use Donorfy to identify them, get in touch with them and provide a simple online form so that they can make their GAD there and then. The...

  • Form Elements

    Form Elements are the building blocks of your Form. These blocks are the parts which will be displayed to and completed by your supporters. Each element provides different functionality allowing the display of information or collection of details ...

  • Creating and Editing Forms

    Creating a new form is quick and easy, and can be completed within a few minutes! To get started, Donorfy Forms are created within Forms > Manage Forms Click on Add From   A new Form screen will appear where some pre-requisites are entered: Fo...

  • Standalone Forms

    Giving Your Forms a Consistent Look and Feel To give your standalone forms the look and feel that is consistent with your website you can set up the header, footer, and content that will be shown surrounding them. To do this, go to Forms | Brandin...

  • Form Appearance

    You can choose the colours, fonts, and style for the inputs & buttons used by your forms - to do this go to Forms | Branding and click on the Form Appearance tab. As shown in the example below as you change the form appearance the preview will upd...

  • Apple Pay

    Donorfy Forms can accept donations and payments using Apple Pay - a quick and easy way for your supporters to donate.   Please Note The integration does not support the insertion of transactions from non-Donorfy forms and is only for one-off dona...

  • PayPal

    Donorfy Forms can accept one-off donations and payments using PayPal.  To take advantage of this you will need a PayPal merchant account for your organisation - note that this is different from a personal PayPal account.   Please Note The integra...

  • Google Pay & Microsoft Pay

    Donorfy Forms can accept donations and payments using both Google Pay & Microsoft Pay.   Please Note The integration does not support the insertion of transactions from non-Donorfy forms and is only for one-off donations and payments.   To set u...

  • Tracking Codes for Forms

    Forms can be deployed to your website and communications quickly and simply, but how can you tell which Form is performing well or where traffic to that Form is being driven from?Forms can be tracked by UTM codes and Google Analytics Each form has...

  • Forms - Google Analytics

    Google Analytics can track Donorfy Forms to help you see their performance on your website by adding your Google Analytics tracking ID to the Forms section in Donorfy.   To do this: Open Forms > Google Analytics Copy your UA ID or your Google Anal...

  • Form Submissions, Statistics and History

    Form Submission When a form is submitted we will check that it looks like a legitimate form submission - see Form Security for more info - legitimate submissions will then be processed.  We will use the details on the form to try and link the form...

  • Updating Form Communication Consent Options

    Within Donorfy you can alter the Processing basis for your Communication Channels; Legitimate Interest and Opt-In. When a change has been made to the Processing basis option within your Communication Channels all of your Forms collecting Channel c...

  • Testing your Donorfy Form

    When testing your Donorfy Form or tweaking how it appears on your website it will require loading the Form multiple times, often in quick succession. This will most likely trigger our request monitoring algorithms and result in your request/s bein...

  • Form Security

    We monitor requests made to web widgets and forms to try and  Identify and block suspicious requests Block automated form submissions - i.e. submissions from spambots   Identify and Blocking Suspicious Requests If the pattern of requests from a...

  • Forms Troubleshooting

    An error message appeared on screen when I tried to view the Form online This could be due to one of the reasons below. To see which one the error message is referring to there is a number shown in the bottom right (as highlighted by the box in t...

  • Form Error Messages

    If there is a problem when either a form is requested or submitted we display an error message - similar to one below - the message includes an error number as shown in the yellow box - the meaning of the error numbers are listed below.   Error Co...

  • Donorfy Form Error Messages when a supporter clicks Donate or Submit button

      Missing required detail: There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try   Scroll up the page to locate the section where there is missing default information noted by an asterisk *, enter the missing details, click on d...

  • Missing a Transaction/data entry from a Donorfy Form?

    Missing a Transaction/data entry from a Donorfy Form? Sometimes when a Form is completed the payment may have been collected or a Direct Debit mandate created but the reCAPTCHA process has flagged the Form as Spam due to a low score or details tha...

  • FAQ: Stepped or Progression view on a Form

    Can you create a Form where each part is shown as a single step and when clicking on a 'Next' button moves you to the next step to complete?   Donorfy Forms are not currently designed in this way. A Form will fully display on the web page.  You ca...

  • FAQ: Notification of completed Form

    How can I be notified when someone completes a Form? There are a number of ways in which you can see and receive information about completed Forms: 1. The History tab - Forms > History 2. A List, filtered by your Form settings 3. An Task Notificat...

  • FAQ: Can I add a required field?

    Can I add a required field, such as a tick box for the confirmation of reading the Terms and Conditions, or for the provision of next of kin details, etc?   Within a Form, there isn't the option of a required field on other Form Elements other tha...