• Overview

    Online Fundraising is the payments solution for the various payment methods in Denmark - these include: Betalingsservice (formerly known as PBS), which is a kind of direct debit solution provided by NETS for recurring payments MobilePay one-off ...

  • How the integration works

    First, please make sure that you have followed the instructions in the Getting Started guide. When the integration has been set up, OnlineFundraising populates Donorfy with constituents, Transactions and Recurring Payment instructions in (more or ...

  • Getting Started with the OnlineFundraising integration

    This article describes the steps required to enable and configure the OnlineFundraising integration. Webhook It is currently not possible to edit the Webhook URL in OF, this must be done by OF support. Please contact OF support to have this config...

  • Making OnlineFundraising Forms work with Donorfy

    The OnlineFundraising integration allows you to configure your OnlineFundraising forms to map data back into Donorfy so that Donorfy is populated with the right information when someone makes a payment (or takes out a recurring payment). For gener...

  • Reference - OnlineFundraising webhooks and what happens with them

    Webhooks from OnlineFundraising Entity Event Description What we do with it (summary) contact created The Contact was created. Finds and updates / or adds a constituent, with link to the OF contact. Duplicate prevented if exist...

  • Managing Duplicates with the OnlineFundraising Integration

    Duplicates OF Integration Any payment - whether single or recurring - needs to belong to a contact - the member/donor. The contact (OF) relates to a constituent in Donorfy. OF does not attempt to find a matching contact (it's not a CRM remember). ...

  • Payment refunds from OnlineFundraising

    When a payment in OnlineFundraising is refunded for any reason an activity will be created on the Constituents timeline along with a new transaction with negative amounts. This is helpful for compiling the tax report.       The Online Fundraisin...

  • OnlineFundraising Error and Cancel reasons

    The reasons used in Donorfy are based on error and cancel codes provided by OnlineFundraising. Error Reasons Donorfy Reason PaymentMethod GatewayErrorCode Subscription ErrorCode PaymentMethod ErrorCode Wrong Reg, Account 230940     Invalid ...

  • Danish Tax File

    The Danish Tax Report is available via Financial > Tax File More information about the file format can be found here A demonstration video can be found here: Danish Tax Report Configuration The configuration for the tax file can be found at Financ...

  • FAQ: OnlineFundraising and adding Date of Birth to Donorfy

    The Date of Birth (DOB) is not added to Donorfy when the Constituent is via the integration.   It is not currently possible to map Date of Birth into Donorfy from Online Fundraising however you can calculate this using the Constituent's National I...