Full integration of fundraising pages, direct donations and Gift Aid from the UK’s leading peer-to-peer fundraising platform. See Justgiving fundraising history on Constituent Profiles and Lists.
JustGiving integration overview
What does the integration achieve? If you link Donorfy to JustGiving then Donorfy will retrieve the details of people who have raised money for you (or donated directly) via JustGiving: both fundraisers and any donors who elect not to be anonymou...
How to link JustGiving and Donorfy
NOTE: the integration uses JustGiving's Data API. Please check JustGiving's website for the availability of the Data API for your organisation. It may not be available on certain price plans - this is beyond Donorfy's control. To allow Donorfy t...
Finding your JustGiving Charity ID
To find your JustGiving charity ID you need to log into your charity account on JustGiving, then... Click on "Settings": Then click on "Edit charity details": Your charity ID is shown on that page: The Donorfy Academy features a learning ...
JustGiving - settings and mappings overview
For maximum flexibility, there are several ways to configure mappings of JustGiving donation data when it is pulled into Donorfy: Donorfy's default JustGiving Settings area, i.e. Integrations > JustGiving > Settings Campaign-specific settings in ...
JustGiving - Campaign specific settings
Campaign-specific settings Fundraising and Campaign Pages - and therefore donations made through them - may be linked to a Donorfy Campaign by JustGiving Settings tab available on your Donorfy Campaign. The JustGiving tab can be found within the...
JustGiving - Fundraising Page Custom Codes
Custom codes on JustGiving Fundraising Pages JustGiving offers charities the ability to add custom codes to certain data, including Fundraising Pages - see this article.. When opting to use JustGiving custom codes these will override any settings ...
Adding Custom Codes to your JustGiving Fundraising Pages
The addition of Custom Codes is done from the Fundraising Pages in JustGiving themselves. It can be achieved in one or two steps... Renaming Your Headers JustGiving allows you to rename Headers for Fundraising Pages, the image below if from the...
JustGiving - Making the Integration live
Once the JustGiving integration default settings are configured and any pre-work has been completed within JustGiving to aid the Campaign settings mapping or Custom Code mappings (see the linked articles below) the integration can then be set as a...
JustGiving - views of Fundraising Pages
Fundraising Pages are linked both to the Constituent representing the fundraiser who set up the page, and the Campaign for which funds are being raised (or a default Campaign as specified at Settings > Configuration > JustGiving Settings). Enablin...
How do I change my JustGiving username or password in Donorfy?
To change your username/password for Justgiving you can easily overtype the details within the boxes by clicking into and amending each one in turn. It is important not to use any autofill options that your website browser is presenting as these...
JustGiving - Giving Checkout
Launched in 2021, JustGiving's Giving Checkout is a simple donate process that from the click of a button or scan of a QR code drops the donor right into the main donation payment flow. Once the donor has completed the form and intuitive payment p...
JustGiving - FAQs
Which JustGiving plan do I need? JustGiving offers a free START plan and a paid GROW plan. Only the GROW plan includes access to the JustGiving APIs, so this is the plan you need for the Donorfy integration. Why is no data being retrieved from J...
JustGiving - FAQ: my Campaigns or Fundraising Pages not showing in the drop-down box?
Why are my Campaigns or Fundraising Pages not showing? For a JustGiving Campaign to be displayed within the drop-down box within a Donorfy Campaign, a Fundraising Page first needs to be assigned to the JustGiving Campaign. Campaign and Fundraising...
JustGiving - FAQs: Error message received logging in - Unauthorized
If you receive an error message when testing your JustGiving settings stating that: "The test failed - this is the message we got back - Could not retrieve JustGiving payment summary - status code Forbidden - this may a problem with your Api Key o...
JustGiving - Charity Challenges
JustGiving has been providing a number of charity challenges held both virtually and live-action - most recent challenge examples have been 2.6 Challenge, 5K May (Run for Heroes), and Captain Tom 100 (Macmillan Cancer Support). These challenges ar...
Reporting on JustGiving transactions
The following is some key information to aid the reconciliation and reporting on JustGiving donations. Donorfy receives data from JustGiving as follows: Fundraising Pages – these update nightly with the latest fundraiser information and Fundraisin...
JustGiving - the 2.6 challenge (Covid-19 appeal)
JustGiving is participating in the 2.6 Challenge and has created a special JustGiving Campaign microsite that you can share with your supporters and also a handy pack for your organisation to maximise fundraising efforts. Details of how funds are ...