Adding Non-financial Items to the Constituent Timeline
Adding Activities to the Timeline
An Activity is a type of Timeline entry in Donorfy. It is used to represent the various interactions that you have with Constituents - such as: a phone call, in or outbound a letter received or sent a meeting a request for a fundraising pack etc ...
Sending One Off Letters and Emails
After you have set up your documents (see this article for help with that) you can send them by clicking on Send Document on the Main add menu , or Timeline add menu If you are not currently on a constituents record you will have to find t...
Timeline Document Upload (for uploading attachments)
Donorfy allows you to upload documents and attach them to a timeline entry or an activity. They are attachments on a timeline entry. For instance, a scan of a Gift Aid Declaration or a scan of a letter received. Donorfy can accept various document...
Connecting Timeline Entries to Other Constituents
Sometimes it is useful to create a connection between an entry you add to someone's timeline and another constituent - for example, you might add an activity about a conversation with a constituent but want to link it to the organisation they are ...
Task Reminder Email
If you have any tasks assigned to you which are overdue or due within 7 days, Donorfy can send you a reminder email with a summary on Monday morning. This is managed by clicking on the profile button in the top right of the screen, then "Manage yo...
Setting Alerts for Activities
You may add an activity to a constituent's timeline that you want to be alerted to when you, or a colleague, next retrieves the constituent's record. For example, the constituent might have made a complaint which you want people to be aware of, or...
Sending Task Notifications
Within Donorfy you are able to send a notification to the person that you are assigning a task to. The person will then see an outstanding task on their login and also receive an email. Tasks that have been assigned to you will appear in the Task...
Viewing Tasks
You can view your tasks by clicking on the Profile button shown in the top right - the button containing your initials - and then chooses. Clicking on the header buttons - shown with a yellow border below - you can then choose to see: Overdue ...
Marking a Task as Completed
Once you have completed a task, you will need to mark it as completed to stop it from appearing within your tasks bar and also from appearing within the weekly task reminder emails. To do this, navigate to the Tasks area (by clicking your profile ...