Changing your linked Stripe account


If you have changed Stripe accounts recently, perhaps due to an organisational merger or a new contract, then the linked Stripe account in Donorfy will also need to be changed.


You should choose to do this at a time that is quiet and will result in as little disruption for your organisation and those wishing to transact with you.


To change your Stripe accounts, the following will need to be undertaken:


1. Disconnect your current Stripe account from Donorfy - this Knowledge Base article provides instructions on how to do this: Disconnecting from Stripe


It should be noted that in disconnecting, transactions that may be in process will not fully complete and may require to be manually paid on to Donorfy.


Any Regular Payment Instructions using Stripe will also cease to collect. 

You should consider this prior to switching accounts so that a strategy to migrate those constituents paying via an RPI using Stripe can be devised - this may mean contacting each donor to inform of the changes, providing a date, and a URL in which they can re-set up their regular donation. 

Perhaps it may be an opportunity to switch them over to Direct Debit if you have a Web Widget already set up using GoCardless?


It may also be possible that Stripe can move/copy the data to your new account, please contact your Stripe account manager about this (Stripe Support Article).


2. Connect your new Stripe account to Donorfy - this Knowledge Base article provides instructions on how to do this: Connecting to Stripe


Upon connection, any Donorfy Forms and Campaign Donation Pages will start to work again with new transactions being paid via your new Stripe account. 


Any SCA compliant Web Widgets shall also start to work again with new transactions being paid via your new Stripe account. It is recommended that you test by placing a transaction for a small donation. 


If your Web Widgets are not SCA compliant, then you should upgrade them to the new compliant version - see this Knowledge Base article: Updating Your Web Widgets to Use Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)


How do you know if your Web Widgets are not currently SCA compliant? 

You can check compliance by entering four sets of four 9's in as the card number - if the card number appears in red (as below), then your Widget contains the compliance checks relating to the card number.



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