Within Donorfy you can alter the Processing basis for your Communication Channels; Legitimate Interest and Opt-In.
When a change has been made to the Processing basis option within your Communication Channels all of your Web Widgets will need to be updated to ensure that they remain correct. This article will guide you through how to update your Forms to ensure that they are all kept up-to-date.
Keeping your Communication Consents Updated
Click on the options below to update your Web Widget(s)
Open Settings > Configuration > Web Widgets
Click on the Widget that you need to update to open it
A the bottom of the page, click on the Generate Widget HTML Code button
This will activate the creation of the HTML code and upon completion display a new button Copy Widget HTML Code
Click on the Copy Widget HTML Code button to copy the code to your clipboard
Click on Save Changes
It's advisable to Open NotePad and paste the code into a new note so it is readily available for inserting onto your website donate page
Depending on what change was made to the Communication Channels, depends on how the code will display the options to the donor.
An example of an Opt-In style Widget being changed to allow for Legitimate Interest by Post would resemble the example below:
Open the donation web page in editor mode
Locate the section of code for the Communication Channels - the standard HTML Code is:
I would like to be kept up to date with your projects and activities by the methods I choose below<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="2" class="KeepInTouch"> Email<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="4" class="KeepInTouch"> Post<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="8" class="KeepInTouch"> Sms<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="16" class="KeepInTouch"> Phone<br />
Replace the code with the revised Communication Channels HTML code - an example of Post being set to Legitimate Interest and all other Communication Channels remaining as Opt-In is below:
I would like to be kept up to date with your projects and activities by the methods I choose below<br />
<input type='checkbox' value='2' class='KeepInTouch'> Email<br />
<input type='checkbox' value='8' class='KeepInTouch'> Sms<br />
<input type='checkbox' value='16' class='KeepInTouch'> Phone<br />
I would NOT like to be kept up to date with your projects and activities by the methods I choose below<br />
<input type='checkbox' value='4' class='DoNotKeepInTouch'> Post<br />
Save the changes to your web page
Continue with the steps above for each Form that uses Communication Consents until all Web Widgets are updated.
Web Widgets are a Professional-only feature. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgrading.