Making OnlineFundraising Forms work with Donorfy


The OnlineFundraising integration allows you to configure your OnlineFundraising forms to map data back into Donorfy so that Donorfy is populated with the right information when someone makes a payment (or takes out a recurring payment).

For general information about creating OF forms, please see their documentation.

When creating a form in OF you can include hidden elements which even though they can't be seen on the form by the donor / member, they are used to pass information about that donation to Donorfy.

Example (Campaign)

In Donorfy we have a campaign called Easter 2019.


When editing our OnlineFundraising form we can configure the reference to be the Donorfy_CampaignId (see more details below). The name of our campaign is added into the options field.

Since we don't want this field to be visible to the user when completing the form, we have hidden it.


Standard Fields

FirstName (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

LastName (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

Email (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

Phone (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

National ID (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

Address (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

Address2 (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

Postcode (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

City (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

Organisation Name (OnlineFundraising default field)

Reference: N/A
Options: N/A
Data maps to: Constituent

Basic Mappings

  • Properties are set on the Donorfy entities when they are created, allowing you to change the values in Donorfy and have that value persist. The information from the OnlineFundraising form is used only as the default value.
  • All of the values from Donorfy such as descriptions must be as shown in Donorfy, include spaces (including any trailing spaces) and keep upper and lower casing the same.
  • A field can be hidden if you do not want the data to be shown to the user.
  • If Donorfy cannot find this data it will NOT attempt to create it. Ensure all of the data already exists in Donorfy before the forms are used.


Reference: Donorfy_AcknowledgementId
Options: The description of the acknowledgement
Data maps to: RPI, Transaction


Reference: Donorfy_BankId
Options: The description of the bank
Data maps to: RPI, Transaction


Reference: Donorfy_CampaignId
Options: The name of the campaign
Data maps to: RPI, Transaction, RPI Payment, Constituent


Reference: Donorfy_ChannelId
Options: The description of the channel
Data maps to: RPI Payment, Transaction

Constituent Type

Reference: Donorfy_ConstituentType
Options: The description of the constituent type
Data maps to: Constituent

Collection References

The collection references can be used to add some custom text to Donorfy which is visible on the RPI.

Reference: Donorfy_CollectionReference1
Options: Any text value
Data maps to: RPI


Providing either the constituent ID or number allows a first class match in Donorfy without having to go through any duplicate detection.

This field is not intended for Donor facing forms, but rather for an operator filling the form in on behalf of a constituent such as a telemarketer.

Reference: Donorfy_ConstituentId
Options: The ID or number of a constituent
Data maps to: Constituent


Reference: Donorfy_DepartmentId
Options: The description of the department
Data maps to: RPI Allocation, Transaction Allocation


Reference: Donorfy_FundId
Options: The description of the fund
Data maps to: RPI Allocation, Transaction Allocation


Reference: Donorfy_Gender
Options: The description of the gender
Data maps to: Constituent


Reference: Donorfy_ProductId
Options: The description of the product
Data maps to: RPI Allocation, Transaction Allocation

Fundraising Page

Adding a reference to a fundraising page will create a soft credit from the transaction to the constituent the fundraising page belongs to, and it will increase the total raised by the fundraising page.

Reference: Donorfy_FundraisingPageId
Options: The entity ID of the fundraising page
Data maps to: Transaction


Advanced Mappings

This section describes some more advanced mappings, for example rather than a piece of data such as a name of campaign being the form, we can add a piece of data with a yes or no value.

Custom Fields (RPI)

You can create up to 10 custom fields which are stored in the database with the RPI. These are not displayed in the UI and are primarily for custom stored procedures.

Reference: Donorfy_CustomField1

Options: Any text
Data maps to: RPI

Custom Fields with custom name (RPI)

Custom fields can also be created with a custom name. These are stored in the Additional Info with the Transaction.

Reference: Donorfy_CustomField_{Name}
Options: Any text
Data maps to: RPI

Custom Fields (Transaction)

You can create up to 10 custom fields which are stored in the database with the RPI. These are not displayed in the UI and are primarily for custom stored procedures.

Reference: Donorfy_CustomPaymentField1

Options: Any text
Data maps to: Transaction

Custom Fields with custom name (Transaction)

Custom fields can also be created with a custom name. These are stored in the Additional Info with the Transaction.

Reference: Donorfy_CustomPaymentField_{Name}
Options: Any text
Data maps to: Transaction

Comms Channel

Adding Comms channel options to your form will also change how the preferred channel is populated for the constituent, if the constituent is new. The preferred channel will be set to the first channel found with a yes value in the order: Email, Phone, Address.

Reference: Donorfy_Channel_{ChannelName}
Options: Yes, No, On, Off
Data maps to: Constituent

Comms Purpose

Reference: Donorfy_Purpose_{PurposeName}
Options: Yes, No, On, Off
Data maps to: Constituent



Online Fundraising


Tag (single)

The tag category and tag name must be separated by an underscore.

Reference: Donorfy_Tag_{TagCategory}_{TagName}
Options: Yes, No
Data maps to: Constituent



Online Fundraisingmceclip5.png


Tag (multiple)

Each tag you want to be available must be added as an option, separated by a comma.

Reference: Donorfy_Tag_{TagCategory}
Options: {Tag},{Tag},{Tag}
Data maps to: Constituent








The Online Fundraising integration is a Professional-only feature. Danish Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgrading.


Other requirements: the integration only applies to Online Fundraising version 4 and later. Prior versions cannot be integrated.



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